Since the Cleveland Climate Action Fund (CCAF) launched, 70 resident-led, neighborhood-based projects have been funded and completed, with total support exceeding $170,000. These projects have met neighborhood needs while also meeting sustainability goals, including improved stormwater management, more clean energy, local food production, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods,…
The Cleveland Climate Action Fund’s 2020 grant cycle is open, in partnership with Neighborhood Connections! APPLICATION PROCESS & TIMELINE Attend a Grantseeker Orientation Session: Before completing your grant application, please attend a grantseeker orientation session. We host these meetings in the month before each…
Donate now to mitigate your carbon impact AND provide funds for Cleveland Climate Action projects! Cleveland Climate Action Fund is an advised fund at the Cleveland Foundation and donations are tax-deductible. Click here to see all the ways you can contribute to the Fund. If you want…
We are really excited to announce our new partnership with Neighborhood Connections! Starting in 2019, you can apply for funding for Climate Action and Sustainability projects through the Neighbor Up Action Grant proposal. APPLICATION PROCESS & TIMELINE Attend a Grantseeker Orientation Session: Before completing…
This fall, the Cleveland Climate Action Fund and Resilient Cleveland have teamed up again with In Our Backyards (ioby) to award $1:$1 matching funds to community projects that prepare Cleveland neighborhoods for the impacts of climate change. As a part of the CCAF Crowdfunding…
Cleveland Climate Action Fund Awards $15,000 in Neighborhood Grants The Cleveland Climate Action Fund is awarding a total of $15,000 to three neighborhood-led projects that will reduce carbon emissions and improve the community. This marks the Fund’s first round of 2016 grant recipients. The…